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How to handle document management and file storage in NetSuite is an important consideration. There are multiple options for storing NetSuite files. Determining what the best option is depends on the needs of the business. Is cost a large consideration? Is convenience more important? Does your organization have another place, such as OneDrive, Google Drive, or SharePoint, where users typically store their files? These questions, and more, are worth exploring when deciding on the best document storage option for NetSuite.

What is Document Management in NetSuite?

NetSuite provides an integrated document management system to allow its users to add documents to any record. The purpose of adding documents varies, from simplifying the audit trail to having supporting information to reference, such as a contract, when needed. Access to the documents can be controlled through NetSuite authentication. 

Impacts of Poor Document Management

Bad document management practices can impact businesses and teams in many ways. The most common ways are requiring a longer time to make decisions because all information related to a customer or account cannot be found. Ultimately this impacts the customer or prospect experience with added wait times or having to answer the same question multiple times. Internal teams become frustrated when productivity and efficiency are impacted because they are required to waste significant time looking for information they need to complete tasks. 

Beyond supplying a secure place to store documents, businesses need to also consider implementing sound processes, such as naming conventions for files and organizational structure. Otherwise, the same pitfalls can still occur, along with others, such as duplicating files that already exist. 

Benefits of Document Management

Managing documents effectively is essential for multiple reasons. Some advantages to ensuring file storage is adequately considered are: 

  • Compliance: There are multiple regulatory requirements impacting financial documents, including SOX compliance, so having a system for when and where to store documents is critical. Even privacy compliance regulations, such as GDPR or CPRA, can involve documents businesses store with personal data.
  • Security: Understanding where sensitive documents are located and who has access to them is essential for meeting security protocols. Providing users with direction and a safe place to store files is a key component of document management.
  • Collaboration: Having a central place to store documents and implementing version control allows employees to have a better way to complete projects by sharing and collaborating on their files. Responsibilities get completed faster and teamwork is improved.
  • Organization: Supplying a central place to store files empowers users because they can easily find information and manage access.
  • Productivity: With document management, productivity improves because the time spent searching for information is eliminated. Questions can be answered faster and projects can be completed more efficiently. 

The NetSuite File Cabinet for Document Management

The NetSuite File Cabinet is used to store business documents within the ERP or CRM in a central location for files, such as receipts, invoices, and contracts, that need to be sent or received by email. The files can then be attached to NetSuite records. Access to the file is controlled by the administrator or the folder owner. 

The cost for storage is based on the NetSuite “service tier.” The standard service tier includes 100 Gigabytes (GB) of storage. There are other higher levels that come with more storage included at a higher cost. If more storage is required, the cost increases with every additional 10 GB of storage. 

If the storage cost is too high, businesses have multiple other options that can be integrated with NetSuite to address file storage. 

Options for File Storage Outside of NetSuite

There are multiple third-party applications that supply document storage options for NetSuite files. When exploring these options, there are several considerations:

  • Cost: Some applications that are based on user licenses will not end up being more cost-effective than the NetSuite File Cabinet because each user needs their own license. 
  • Security: Applications that are not built specifically for NetSuite may need to be more secure. They may not support NetSuite’s SSO. If security is a big consideration, it’s important to understand whether these applications will meet the businesses’ minimum requirements.
  • Ease-of-use: Third-party applications may not surface files in NetSuite in a place that is easily accessible by users or does not require a considerable amount of clicks. This may cause users to start storing files on their own machines, going back to the larger issue of creating the ideal efficiency for the business.
  • Collaboration: Third-party applications may not offer true collaboration abilities. It’s important for users to be able to see and share files in order to get the information they need quickly. 

ExtendSync’s File Storage for NetSuite

ExtendSync’s integration with Google Drive, OneDrive, and SharePoint offers NetSuite users secure, cost-effective, true cloud-based storage by storing files and folders in your organization’s Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint for Business account while still seeing them in NetSuite. There are several advantages to using this feature:

  • Compatibility: More file types are supported than native NetSuite
  • Cost: No NetSuite storage space is consumed
  • Security: Users can leverage the vast sharing permissions of Google Drive and OneDrive for Business
  • Ease-of-use: Files are located under the communications tab and can easily be seen by users

Google Drive, OneDrive, and SharePoint capabilities are included with every ExtendSync Enterprise Edition license. Try Gmail and Outlook.