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On-demand Webinar

Leveraging Excel for Your Easiest

NetSuite Budgeting Yet

With as many as 63% of companies leveraging Excel to create their annual budgets, it’s a powerful and cost-effective solution—especially if you connect your Excel budgets to NetSuite.

Integrating these two solutions leverages real-time NetSuite data in the familiar, cost-effective Excel environment. Take advantage of Excel formulas and data entry speeds to create budgets that easily upsert back to NetSuite for visibility and control.

Hear from the CloudExtend team as we walk through these tips:

  • Creating multiple budgets for the same year, and specific budgets for customers, items, departments, and more
  • How to easily add accounts to existing budget records
  • The benefits of refreshing real-time NetSuite data in Excel


Justine Burdo

Head of Sales & Customer Success, CloudExtend

Kevin Ha

Solution Consultant, CloudExtend